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REINVENT YOURSELF Seminar - Our Way to Celebrate IWD 2018!

Dear Friends,

As a Brand dedicated to the "Eternal Woman Spirit, Beauty and Power heading Bravely to the Future", International Women' s Day has always been so very special to us and this year we feel so ready to celebrate it gloriously, in our own, unique way!

Aphrodite Reinvented® is a Life Changing Concept and its central message

"Reinvent Yourself" is becoming a Coaching Concept for personal development

and Women's Empowerment to be presented for the first time in Athens, Greece

in Autumn 2018!

Titled “REINVENT YOURSELF - A Message Dedicated to The Women of The World”,

our Coaching Concept focuses on the core message of the concept APHRODITE REINVENTED® which is all about the Internal Beauty and Power of Women as the main factors leading to a happy and meaningful Life!

Presentations of our Coaching Concept will also take place in Nicosia Cyprus, Tel Aviv, Israel and other Cities of the World, starting Fall 2018!

We could not be more happy and proud, since a long - held dream becomes a reality!

Happy International Women's Day 2018! Let's Spread The Message!

"Reinvent Yourself" - ID Pendant
Seminar announcement featuring "Reinvent Yourself" ID Pendant



P.S. Information and Schedule of the seminars will be announced in the 'News' section of our website.


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